Frédéric Blanc
1967 -

Born the south-west of France, Frédéric Blanc studied in the conservatories of Bordeaux and Toulouse before going on to post-graduate study with André Fleury, Marie-Claire Alain, Pierre Cogen and with Marie-Madeleine Duruflé-Chevalier.

He has been the winner of several international competitions: 1996 2nd Prize in Improvisation in the international «Grand Prix de Chartres» competition, 1997 First Grand Prize in the international competition of the City of Paris. With this prestigeous award behind him, he has henceforth pursued an active career as a concert artist in Europe and the United States.

He is the author of a study devoted to André Fleury (L’Orgue, Cahiers et Mémoires) as well as of several reconstructions of improvisations by Pierre Cochereau, Organist of Notre-Dame, Paris, from 1955 to 1984 (Editions Chantraine).

Since january 1999 Frédéric Blanc is titular organist of the Cavaille-Coll organ of Notre-Dame d’Auteuil in Paris, one of the finest symphonic organs in the capital.

In 2001 he was appointed musical director of the Association Maurice and Marie-Madeleine Duruflé in Paris.

He made CD recordings for Motette, EMI and Aeolus.