Christoph Kuhlmann
Christoph Kuhlmann studied sacred music at the Folkwang Conservatory of Essen, with Sieglinde Ahrens (Organ), Josef Bucher (Improvisation)

and Guido Knuesel (Chorus management) among others.

In 1989 he successfully completed his studies at the Conservatory and passed the A-examination for sacred music with distinction for exceptional examination performance.

Further studies led him to Paris, where he studied organ and musical analysis with Naji Hakim and organ improvisation with Jean- Pierre Leguay. He won several prizes participating in international organ competitions: U.F. A.M of Paris, Tournemire price for organ improvisation in St. Albans (UK) and Prix André Marchal in Biarritz (France).

First professional activities in France saw him as musical director of the concert organization ”Accueil Musical“ at the church St. Merry in Paris and as a teacher for organ and harmony at the Conservatory of Levallois- Perret as well as choirmaster of the Maîtrise de Caen and at the local conservatory.

As an organist, Kuhlmann specializes in French music as well as in improvisation. His concert activities have led him to numerous festivals, nationally and internationally (Town festival St. Albans, UK / Kultursommer Rhein- land-Pfalz / Romanischer Sommer Cologne / organ concerts of Cologne cathedral / Cathé- drale Notre de Paris). Radio and CD-recordings complete his activity.

Christoph Kuhlmann has been the organist at the roman church St. Andreas in the city of Cologne since 1994. In 2003 he also became regional Cantor for Cologne. Since 2007 he has held a teaching position for organ didactics at the Cologne Conservatory.