La Villanella Basel
The Ensemble La Villanella Basel are graduates of the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis (international school for historical performance practice) who, since founding the ensemble in 1995, have concentrated primarily on music from the late renaissance and early baroque periods.

All musicians are now based in Germany and perform at large numbers of concerts across the whole of Europe. (Concertgebouw Amsterdam, Basel Theatre, Concentus Moraviae/Czech Republic, "Rheingau-Festival", "Internationales Bachfest Leipzig", "Uckermärkischer Musiksommer", "MDR-Musiksommer-Strasse der Romanik" and others). Long-standing partners of La Villanella Basel are Petra Burmann (Theorbo), Susanne Ansorg (Fiddle) and Hans-Werner Apel (Lute).

The ensemble`s work focuses on the music of the 16th and 17th century, namely the transition from late renaissance to early baroque and the very typical arrangements such as diminution and Liedbearbeitung. True to their historical origins, own instrumental diminutions and "willkürliche Veränderungen" (divisions) are foremost in all performances.

It is pure coincidence that all members of the ensemble are women, but this fact has made them feel almost obligated to the women composers of this era. La Villanella Basel plays solely on period instruments. Every concert is performed in a temperament typical of the time.