Paris, Eglise Saint-Jacques-du-Haut-Pas
The choir organ of Saint-Jacques-du-Haut-Pas in Paris was built by the A.Cavaillé-Coll firm.

Thanks to the research of Carolyne Shuster- Fournier we now know a lot more about the strange history of the choir organ of Saint-Jaques du Haut-Pas which was installed in the church in 1985 by Jean Renaud. It was originally built for the music salon of Baron Friedrich d’Erlanger, a very rich music-loving banker who lived in Paris (10 rue Taitbout). Completed in 1865 at the workshops of Aristide Cavaillé-Coll, this organ was the third of its type built by the company and it was played for the first time on 1st February 1866 by Charles-Marie Widor in the presence of Gioachino Rossini. It was likened to a ’small great organ’ and was much appreciated at the numerous concerts given at Baron d’Erlanger’s home.

Despite the fact it was moved three times (to another of the Baron’s Town Houses in 1891, subsequently to the Sorbonne Chapel in 1929 and then to the church of Saint-Jacques) it was preserved in its original state apart from the addition of an electric blower in 1985 by Jean Renaud.

A luxurious and sumptuous case was crafted by Michel-Joseph-Napoléon Liénard and the stoplist shows that this instrument is more than a simple accompanying organ.

Diego Innocenzi

translated by Alwena Sullivan

I. Grand Orgue (56 notes)

Bourdon 16’

Principal 8’

Flûte harmonique 8’

Salicional 8’

Prestant 4’    

II. Récit expressif (56 notes)

Cor de nuit 8’

Gambe 8’

Voix céleste 8’

Flûte octaviante 4’

Voix humaine 8’

Basson-Hautbois 8’

Trompette 8’

Pédale (30 notes)

Soubasse 16’

Flûte 8’

Pédales d’accouplements

et de combinaisons:

– Orage

– Tirasse Grand-Orgue

– Tirasse Récit

– Accouplement REC/GO

– Trémolo