The disc displays three suites by Jean Langlais, all dating from 1947/8. The atmospheric five movement Suite Médiévale features Gregorian themes throughout, the final Acclamations thundering out 'Christus vincit' as if a litany exclaimed by a fervent congregation. The Suite Brève that follows is of a similar length although without such overt Christian symbolism. Nonetheless, the typically religious atmosphere of Langlais' quiet movements is present in the Cantilène and Plainte, suddenly dispelled in the joyous writing of the final Dialogue. The Suite Francaise is considerably longer than the previous two and the names' of the movements bring to mind the baroque suites of such composers as de Grigny, Dandrieu and Guilain, featuring 'La voix humaine', 'Nazard', 'Jeux de fonds', 'Jeux d'anche' and 'Grands Jeux'. The penultimate 'Voix céleste' is particularly nice. Pierre Cogen, a pupil of Langlais at the time these pieces were published, gives sympathetic performances on an organ that fits the music like a glove. Built in 1990 by Karl Göckel (III/44) it has the appearance of a typical neo-classical instrument but with its specially made French-style reeds and two enclosed divisions it is a perfect partner for this superb music. Highly recommended.