Weener, Georgskirche
Arp Schnitger built a two-manual organ with an attached pedal for the Georgskirche at Weener in 1709/10.

The case work was made by Franz Caspar Schnitger. Because there was still room for a Brustwerk in the main casing, Johann Friedrich Wenthin added a third manual to the organ in 1779-82. In addition, he built a free standing pedal in detached pedal towers which are the last of this type in North Germany. Moreover, Wenthin renovated the organ galleries and gave the entire installation the contemporary rococo character through curved forms and reddish colouring. A renovation by the Rohlfing firm followed in the nineteenth century during which Rückpositif and Brustwerk were removed and a new Hinterwerk installed. The organ case has fortunately remained extant. The first phase of the restoration after World War II was carried out by the Vierdag firm. On this occasion four stops by Haupt (1864-66) – subbass and three reeds – were added to the pedal.

In 1978-82 Jürgen Ahrend completed the restoration, during which the manual reeds were replicated following Schnitger’s construction manners. Ahrend finally reconstructed the cymbale and two tremulants in 1988.