Image Belgian Symphonic Organ
Le dompteur d'orgues
This album is part of product bundles:
Catalog number:
€18,99 (incl. VAT)
Offertoire op.10fa majeur
Elévation op.5, 2ut mineur
Offertoire op.36fa majeur
Communion op.4sol majeur
Offertoire - Fantaisie - Orage op.23ut mineur
Elévation op.23la bémol majeur
Offertoire op.27mi mineur
Communion op.29mi majeur
Offertoire op.28fa mineur
Communion op.28la mineur
Offertoire op.38la mineur
Offertoire op.40mi bémol majeur
Offertoire op.36mi bémol majeur
Final op.30ut mineur
Communion op.31fa majeur
Offertoire op.33si bémol majeur
Offertoire funèbre op.31ut mineur
Grand Offertoire op.35fa majeur
Offertoire op.31la majeur
Offertoire op.33la mineur
Offertoire op.32si bémol majeur
Elévation op.32mi bémol majeur
Communion op.32la bémol majeur
Grande Sortie op.33ré bémol majeur
Offertoire op.39ré majeur
Marche solennellesi bémol majeur
Audio Samples
Christi nutu sublimato
O virgo davidica
Supremum est mortalibus
Sequitur adhuc semel Dulongesux
Presulem euphebeatum

For his new album "Belgian symphonic organ", Antwerp cathedral organist Peter Van de Velde has recorded a delightful program with lots of exciting rarities: at the centre of the program is a world premiere recording of the three-movement organ symphony in B minor by Camille Jacquemin (1899 - 1947), a student of Vincent d'Indy and Louis Vierne.

Further world premiere recordings of works by Léon Jongen, Jean-Marie Plum and Raymond Moulaert as well as works by Joseph Jongen and Pierre Froidebise mark this new album as a real discovery! The 3-manual organ of Antwerp's St. Michael's Church, built in 1909 by the Flemish firm Jos. Stevens, is also featured on CD for the first time.