Image Charles-Marie Widor: Organ Symphonies Nos. 1&2
Froberger edition Vol.1: "Le passage du Rhin"
  • album cover
    10 de Répertoire
  • album cover
    5 Diapason
  • album cover
    Klassik Heute 10
Catalog number:
€19,99 (incl. VAT)
Tombeau (Blancrocher)
Suite XXX (Londres)
Suite XXVII (Rhein)
Suite XXIX
Suite XX (Memento Mori)
Suite XVI (Montecidium)
Suite XIV (volé)
Suite XIII (Mazarinade)
Suite XII (Ferdinand IV)
Lamentation (Ferdinand III)
Audio Samples
Lobt Gott, ihr Christen, allzugleich

In this wonderful recording the two rarely heard organ symphonies nos. 1 & 2 composed by the "father of the French organ symphony" Charles-Marie Widor (1844 - 1937) are played on the instrument on which the composer himself had been working as an organist for 60 years:

the Aristide Cavaillé-Coll organ of Saint-Sulpice in Paris. Could one imagine a more ideal instrument for this project? Martin Bambauer has been studying with the current Titulaire of Saint-Sulpice (Daniel Roth) and thanks to his highly musical performances complies with the famous French symphonic organ tradition... you will hear it!