Image Sigfrid Karg-Elert: Ultimate Organ Works Vol.8
Froberger edition Vol.1: "Le passage du Rhin"
  • album cover
    10 de Répertoire
  • album cover
    5 Diapason
  • album cover
    Klassik Heute 10
Catalog number:
€18,99 (incl. VAT)
Tombeau (Blancrocher)
Suite XXX (Londres)
Suite XXVII (Rhein)
Suite XXIX
Suite XX (Memento Mori)
Suite XVI (Montecidium)
Suite XIV (volé)
Suite XIII (Mazarinade)
Suite XII (Ferdinand IV)
Lamentation (Ferdinand III)
Audio Samples
Lobt Gott, ihr Christen, allzugleich

We from Aeolus are proud to present one of the most famous late romantic organs of Germany on our new SACD Volume 8 of our edition "Sigfrid Karg-Elert:Ultimate Organ Works": the G.F.Steinmeyer Organ in the Christ Church in Mannheim, built in 1911.

On this new SACD Elke Voelker plays several triptyques under the term of "Impressions", a genre of characteristic tone pictures, frequently favoured by the composer. The almost unlimited possibilities of tonal colours and nuances of the famous Steinmeyer Organ leave nothing to be desired by the performer... from the most tender Aeoline, over an original celesta stop until the thunderous fortissimo. The composer himself once described the instrument in a letter to a friend as the "Mannheim marvel"...

As a matter of course our recording purely restitues the huge original dynamic range of this instrument without using any limiting or compression tools!