Image Ultimate Organ Works Vol.6
Belgian Symphonic Organ
  • album cover
    Preis der deutschen Schallplattenkritik
This album is part of product bundles:
Catalog number:
La vierge et l’enfant
Les bergers
Desseins éternels
Le verbe
Les enfants de Dieu
Les anges
Jésus accepte la souffrance
Les mages
Dieu parmi nous

Volume 6 of Elke Völkers Karg-Elert series on Aeolus contains books no. 3 and 4

of the composer's « Chorale-Improvisations » op.65 (based on chorals for new

year, easter, ascension and pentecost).

As often at Aeolus, an instrument has been chosen that has not yet been recorded

on CD before: the E.F.Walcker organ of the Christ Church in Lüdenscheid, which

has been restored very carefully and re-inaugurated in 2008. Today Elke Völker

is considered - last but not least thanks to her series of Karg-Elert recordings

on Aeolus - as an expert for his music. Her version of the chorale improvisation

demonstrates skill and great respect for the work of this composer and thus can

be considered as a reference.